
Wednesday, September 12, 2007

continuando com a livraria

Continuando com "a" livraria...

Realmente ela é tão invulgar que não resisto a mostrar-vos mais algumas fotos que tirei.
Nestas conseguem-se vislumbrar alguns dos expo-
sitores exteriores e mais um conjunto de pratelei-
leiras interiores.

A fachada da Livraria tem duas portas. Tenho-vos mostrado a da direita por ser a mais representativa mas...ao lado da porta esquerda em duas enormes ardósias
encontra-se publicado desde o 1º de janeiro de
2004 o jornal que me atrevo a reproduzir, por reflectir tão bem o espírito do livreiro.
Paris Wall Newspaper
Some people call me The Don Quixote of the Latin Quartier.
Because my head is so far up in the clouds that I can imagine all of us are angels in Paradise and instead of being a Bonafide Bookseller I am a frus- trated novelist store has rooms like chapters in a novel.
And the fact is Tolstoi and Doestoievsky are more real to me than my nextdoor neighbors. And even stranger is the fact that even before I was born Doestoievsky wrote the story of my life in a book called "The Idiot" and ever since reading it I have been searching for the heroine, a girl called Nastasia Filipovna.
One hundred years ago my Bookstore was a wine shop hidden from the Seine by the anex of The Hotel Dieu Hospital which has since been demolished and replaced by a garden and further back in the year 1600 our whole building was a Monastery called La Maison du Mustier. In the mediaval times each monastery had a frére lamper whose duty was to light the lamps at night.
Then I have been doing this for fifty years. Now it is my doughters turn...


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